Immertable Project (2016)

  • Interactive Installations, Music, Sound Installations
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In march 2016 I was invited to stay in the residency of Etopia: Centre for Art & Technology for the first time, in Zaragoza in Spain for a duration of three weeks. In these three weeks I worked together with artist and physicist Carles Tardio Pi, who was responsible for building and programming the ImmerTable, a project which was initiated by the University of Zaragoza and co-produced by Etopia.

In these weeks I assisted on the project by composing music especially designed to illustrate the possibilities of the ImmerTable: a multi-touch surface which allowed the user to use physical objects and gestures to operate the parameters connected to envelopes and controls.

After the three weeks I ended the residency by performing the material with the ImmerTable in Etopia, in front of an audience.